Sunday, July 24, 2011

Art of Imagination: Deborah lives up to her ambitious company name!

So I'm planning a runway show in September or October, and a friend tells me to check out the Zhou B. Art Center as a possible host..  When I visit the venue Donna, who is very pleasant by the way, shows me into her office where I see the most exquisite table place setting with a centerpience made of silver painted twigs with streams of chandelier crystals hanging from them and shear fabric surrounding the entire area.  The display was so powerful that I knew I had to contact one of the designers who worked on the concept.  So it is with much excitement that I announce that Deborah for the Art of Imagination will provide the decor for the Loft on Lake on Augsust 7th for our"sneak preview" of The White Collection - LUXE.

For those of you who do not know, on August 7th at the Loft on Lake you will witness a true master of theater and Drama as she transforms the Loft into a Wonderland.  Her use of fabric and color are unparallelled and her reputation is blemish-free.  Thank you Deborah for making the Loft look it's best for me on that day.  And ladies if you are thinking that you might need someone who specialize in decor to tie in your story, and color scheme, come check out Deborah on Sunday, August 7th at the Loft on Lake.


Styled by Fancy Candies & Sweet Buffets "Indulgent"

Elizabeth Ann O'Brien from Fancy Candies & Sweet Buffets is that little girl inside of every woman who dreams of marrying the prince someday.  She is the hopeless romantic that cries at all the Julia Roberts movies.  She is the little train that could, and she encourages everyone around her to "think big".  So when I tell my fairytale on August 7th at the Loft on Lake she will be there weaving my theme into her breath-taking styling of my dessert buffets.

Like all story tellers she is artistic, creative, and a character.  She is every bodies Irish aunt - she's about as easy going and chipper as they come.  And while the dessert sthat she styles are sophisticated, romantic, and dreamy, more than anything they are indulgent.  Your guest will feel completely catered too, and spoiled by the thought and details that she puts into her craft.

I have to share with you a funny story about what happened when I first met her at the Chicago Bridal Expo event at the Sharaton back in June.  I'll start with a simple admission: I am diabetic; consequently I crave sweets.  So  I'm walking through the bridal expo meeting some of the other vendors and bam!  Three tables with all kinds of goodies some of which I haven't seen since I was seven years old.    It was so attractive that I was drawn over to the table like a kid in a candy factory, I mean I was happy.  I actually got a little giddy looking at her display,  and when I reached for a cupcake Elizabeth goes, "oh no that's my display you can't eat the goodies until thirty minutes before the end of the show.  I style dessert trays".  Needless to say I was so done with her in that moment, "What kind of cruel joke was that!"  I later figured out that the attractiveness of the dessert buffet, the magnetism that her presentation created was what she was selling to the brides.

What ever your story is let Elizabeth help you tell your story through a customized styled dessert presentation.  I know I can't wait until I see what she does for mine, but knowing her it will be a fairytale; more importantly, because this is Atha Sharod Bridal's BIG DAY, and you are our guest you can eat as many goodies as you want.  Thank you Fancy.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Tracy Ballog; She knows how to paint a face.

Okay I hate to break the news, but just because you like doing make-up, and you're pretty good at it that doesn' make you a make-up artist, lol.  No, but I'm serious though. Honestly, doesn't it seem like there are almost as many make-up artists as there are models.  And now that photographers are retouching photos they are so fed up with the bad makeup jobs that they are telling us, the designers, not to even bother with makeup.  I still remember Palo Dubrik telling me, "You can add make-up in editing."   So, why did I choose Tracy Ballog for my big show on August 7th?  Because I couldn't afford not too.

I'm spending too many resources and time presenting the "sneak preview" of The White Collection - LUXE to take a chance that the make-up will not be stellar.  Yes, you could edit the photos after the fact, but its a pretty expensive choice. I want my models to be confident that they look great, and I believe that confidence will translate into better images. You know when you're spending a fortune on one day, a small detail like makeup is important because it does effect how you and your bridal party will look in your photographs.

I remembered that one of my clients looked impeccable on her wedding day, and I gave her a call.  She recommended Tracy without reservation, so I took a look at her portfolio on her facebook page -  FLAWLESS.  Rows and rows of pictures of her work that are all natural and clean, but blemish free.    Turns out she has been doing make-up since forever, no offense Tracey you are still a young whipper snapper; in addition, she has a great sense of humor ladies.

Tracy  I can't wait to work with you on August 7th at the Loft on Lake.  Ladies if you need a makeup artist come check Tracy Ballog out.  I know your cousin who works for Avon does a good job, but on your BIG DAY you might want to go with experience.   


By the way I know many of you have heard about the new technique where it's almost like they air brush the make-up onto your face. Its the latest rave and Tracy will illustrate the technique, and give you the pros and cons of using this technique on your wedding day when you come on August 7th.  Thank you Tracy.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Thank you for Buying American on your BIG DAY

What is American?

The answer to this question had changed greatly over the years.  These changes make a real statement about the tenacity of our culture,and our ability to reinvent ourselves.

Dependiong upon who you ask you will get varied responses.  Somemight say that it's in our ball parks with our hotdogs, or at our outdoor gathering with our roasted pork ribs and apple pies, or right on our radio stations that range fro country music to rap, or in the amendments of our consitution that gaurntee that everyone is treated equally, or on our streats riddle with synagues, mosques,and cthederals located blocks fro each oter, or on the ages of our many magazines and newspaper where you will find any old fool with an opinion in print.

Here at Atha Sharod Bridal we are proud to be American. Our production team looks like the united nations - we are American  The stores that carry our brand are small boutiques in small towns with simple people with big hearts - we are American.  Our bespoke brides are hardworking independent women  who are just as feminine as the women who are house wives - we are American.   And we are proud to say, We are made in America of the finest materials' available.  We are proud to say that our gowns are sold where "fine gowns" are sold.  So, we would like to take the time out to thank all of you for buying American.